
About us

Our Annual

The MAF annual report outlines the key impacts and outcomes of our work and presents some examples from our operations to illustrate these.

Our annual reports

When disaster strikes or someone needs help in a difficult to reach, remote or isolated place, an MAF plane bringing help, hope and healing sets off on its life-saving mission. In our Trustees’ Reports, you will read how – through God’s goodness and grace for – millions of forgotten and hard-to-reach people and communities received ‘hope and a future’ thanks to our pilots, planes and personnel.

The Reports outline some of the many reasons for rejoicing at how our 2,000 relief, mission, NGO and humanitarian partners assisted people in desperate need of practical help, spiritual hope and physical healing.

Annual report 2022 - 2023 Annual report 2021 - 2022 Annual report 2020 - 2021