Gift of Goodwill – Choose your amount to give where it’s most needed

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£0.00 each

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The donations provided by our generous supporters enable MAF to bring physical and spiritual assistance to those living in isolation – people who would otherwise be out of reach. Every donation we receive – big or small – has a significant impact. However, big gifts enable us to plan and invest for the future, ensuring that MAF’s vital flight services can continue to bring hope and healing to the world’s most vulnerable people.

Please give the gift of goodwill today.

Enter the amount that you would like to give in the box below.

Donate with Confidence

With every £1 donated, we ensure the maximum impact: 88p goes toward the gift itself, while 12p helps fund the growth of our donor community, which is vital for expanding our reach and long-term support for communities.

Check out the full Gift Catalogue

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Gift of Sponsorship – Support an MAF staff member for one month

Where money can be a deterring factor for our aspiring...
Suggested donation

Gift of Renewal – Fund an avionics upgrade

Funding a new plane for MAF is part of a...
Suggested donation

Gift of support – Buy a care pack for a medevac patient

For many Timor-Leste patients, travelling to hospital can only be...
Suggested donation