

MAF Devotions

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Welcome to our prayer devotions

The MAF prayer devotions are designed to give something back to our supporters. It is easy to always ask you to pray for us, but we wanted to provide something that might inspire and challenge you in your everyday walk with the Lord.

We hope you enjoy these monthly prayer devotions (below). It is our prayer that you will experience a greater depth in your connection with God as you journey with us.

Be blessed!

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‘For such a time as this’
13th March 2025
It’s an interesting question to ask ourselves. When we find favour, influence or success, what do we do with it?
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Dreams, visions and lasting legacies
11th February 2025
Sometimes we spend so much time chasing our dreams, yet feel empty when they’re accomplished. Or perhaps we resign ourselves to failure, believing that our dreams are impossible. The reality is that chasing dreams is pointless if they aren’t founded upon God’s purposes, plans and calling. Join us in this devotion as we spend some time reflecting on God’s plan for our lives, with guest writer Sarah Janman from our Legacy Team.
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The faithfulness of God
8th January 2025
I was recently asked by a child in a local primary school what ‘faithfulness’ was? The little girl had never come across this word before. I tried to give examples of faithfulness, but I soon realised that trying to describe faithfulness without referring to God is practically impossible. It can only be fully understood when we are in a relationship with a loving God.
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Joy to the world
11th December 2024
In this month’s devotion we reflect on the Angel’s declaration of good tidings. We consider how we can welcome this pronouncement of great joy into our lives.
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God’s timing
6th November 2024
Waiting for God’s plan to unfold can be difficult. Knowing what it will look like when it finally does so can be difficult, too.
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Finance Team, Patience Oduro
Building bridges
10th October 2024
Being a bridge is a metaphor with which Christians will be familiar. Jesus, in being our bridge to the Father, makes a way for us to come close to Him. He enables us to be fully connected with the One who loves us the most. This devotion explores this theme of being a bridge and how we, as MAF, love this aspect of our work.
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The divine exchange
11th September 2024
‘The divine exchange’ is available for every believer, It reminds us that the cross is not only somewhere to which we can go for salvation, but is also the place where we can lay our burdens at Jesus’ feet. Read more about this and MAF’s peace and reconciliation ministry in South Sudan and how many are experiencing this ‘divine exchange’.
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Doing a new thing
8th August 2024
Isaiah 43:19 tells us, ‘Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert’ (ESV). God is always doing a 'new thing'. Are we able to see Him at work?
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The last laugh
11th July 2024
I tend to wince slightly when people say, ‘God’s got a sense of humour’. I think it sounds a bit disrespectful, as if the person saying this sees God as some kind of omnipotent jokester. But although the Bible certainly isn’t a heavenly joke book, it does however contain humour. It even shows God laughing!
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Hide and seek
13th June 2024
When the Son of Man comes, will we be like the virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 who came prepared, or the five foolish ones who weren’t ready for the bridegroom’s return?
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The year of living dangerously
9th May 2024
Our life on earth is no more permanent than a mist, shadow or vapour. Like water spilt on the ground, a worn-out tent or a fleeting breath, we are here today and gone tomorrow. So, whether our time here is long or short, let’s try to make it count.
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It takes all sorts
11th April 2024
It’s ironic, I think, that one of the things we all have in common is the fact that we’re all different! No one person is exactly like another, so, if we’re to get on well with those around us, it’s important we’re aware of just how different people can be.
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The Lord is my shepherd, Part Three
7th March 2024
This month, we will examine what David may have meant when he spoke about the valley of death, preparing a table for us, and the significance of his head being anointed with oil.
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The Lord is my shepherd, Part Two
8th February 2024
In this month's devotion we’re going to dig further into this precious song, drawing on an understanding of shepherding culture in light of the salvation offered through Jesus.
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The Lord is my shepherd, Part One
11th January 2024
Psalm 23:1-6 contains some of the best known verses in Scripture. I have often found that this psalm held me when anxiety rose up, providing a vision of peace and goodness when I was losing sight of the One who holds everything in His hands. How good it is to be reminded that we have a good shepherd, leading and guiding us, refreshing our spirit and providing a sense of belonging.
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Be the gift
7th December 2023
As war tears this world apart, my heart breaks for those caught in the crossfire — mothers and fathers grieving the loss of their children and loved ones, crying out to God for justice in the midst of their pain, possibly unaware that He also feels their distress. He has cried these tears before. This month’s prayer devotions offers some ideas on how to respond to the time we are living in this Christmas.
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Better together
9th November 2023
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a partner as ‘someone who participates in an activity or game with another person. ‘Partnership’ therefore occurs when two or more people come together in order to accomplish something that they couldn’t achieve alone.
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Time to press the reset button
12th October 2023
Although as believers, we’ve moved from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light, our upbringing, early influences and experiences have nevertheless formed and hardwired us. In this month’s prayer devotion, Victoria Fagg, MAF’s Prayer Communications Leader offers three ‘reset buttons’ you could initiate in your life to experience greater freedom with Jesus.
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All is at rest
20th September 2023
This year was particularly significant for me as I turned 50. It’s funny, isn’t it, how these important milestones become moments to pause and reflect?
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Understanding Culture
9th August 2023
Culture plays an important role in our lives. It influences our views, values, hopes, humour, loyalties and concerns. As Christians, it's important we understand the cultural differences of those we encounter — both inside and outside the Church.
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The grace of a day
11th July 2023
I remember singing a hymn in primary school. The lyrics began, ‘This is the day, this is the day, that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made.’ Perhaps you remember it? It was quite a simple song, encouraging us to rejoice in each new day and be glad in it. A declaration of intent!
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More like Ingrid
8th June 2023
Last month, a few of us from church went to the Elim Leaders’ Summit held in Harrogate. It was a rich time of experiencing God’s presence and connecting with others. Christian author Danielle Strickland spoke on the Wednesday evening. She started with a story...
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I am, because we are
5th May 2023
This month’s prayer devotion looks at the differences between collectivist and individualistic cultures and how individuals in a society prioritise and manage their relationships and goals according to their culture.
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Keeping it real
13th April 2023
Sometimes it’s important to be vulnerable and share stuff that’s a little more personal. Today is one of those times.
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How do you pray?
10th March 2023
May I ask you a question? Does praying come naturally to you? This might seem like an odd question to ask — particularly since this is a prayer devotion — but please hear me out.
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What’s love got to do with it? Everything!
10th February 2023
Saint Valentine’s Day takes place mid-month and is traditionally the day that people show their romantic love and affection for one another by sending cards and gifts. Interestingly — according to Wikipedia — it is said to have ‘originated as a Christian feast day honouring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine and, through later folk traditions, has become a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.’
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‘Jesus Street’
11th January 2023
Nestled between Patisserie Valerie and Greggs Bakery on Exeter’s High Street lies the narrowest street in Britain. Parliament Street measures just 25 inches at its slimmest point and 45 inches at its widest. Now that is narrow!
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Love is the brightest light of them all
6th December 2022
With Christmas right around the corner, we have officially entered panto season.
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The apple of His eye
8th November 2022
An elderly couple were sitting on their deck chairs watching the beautiful sunset and reminiscing about the good old days. The wife turned to the husband and said, ‘Honey, do you remember when we first started dating and you used to just casually reach over and take my hand?’ The husband looked over at her, smiled, and obligingly took her aged hand in his.
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A time to mourn
11th October 2022
Monday 19 September saw the nation stand still as we collectively mourned the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Her State Funeral was televised throughout the day — a finale of sorts after ten days of national mourning. 
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Time to sing a new song
9th September 2022
'The LORD God is my strength and my song; He has given me victory' (Isaiah 12:2, NLT). I love to sing. It has been in my blood since I was a child. My mum sang, and her mum before her.
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Pray like you mean it
12th August 2022
The Old Testament can be a confusing book. Stories of violence and retribution may be hard to reconcile with Jesus' message of mercy and forgiveness.
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Show me, ‘me’
8th July 2022
Do you ever stop for a minute and look at the Church? I don't just mean the church you go to or the buildings in which we gather. I'm talking about taking an honest look at the Body of Christ. Is she healthy? Is she well?
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MAF Devotions - July 2022
Silent Prayer
10th June 2022
I have a confession... It isn't the easiest thing to admit because it might cause a lack of confidence in my ability to do my job. (Now you're intrigued!)
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MAF Devotions - June 2022
Flawed and fabulous
13th May 2022
A few years ago, I was on a busy train to London. All the seats were taken and people had to stand throughout the carriage, swaying rhythmically as the train moved along the track.
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MAF Devotions - May 2022