High Flyers

Step-Ping in Faith

20th February 2023

Lungpinglak Domtta – aka Ping – is the youngest of four siblings from Nagaland in north India. Ping shares his incredible journey of faith, despite failure

Shattered dreams?

His father is a Hindu but his mother is a Christian, and the siblings all take after her in following Jesus. When he was growing up, Ping didn’t know anyone from an aviation background, but when he was ten years-old, he had a dream of becoming a pilot. As a teenager, he imagined himself joining the Indian Air Force, and during his final years at school, a career councillor introduced him to the idea of work in civil aviation. Soon after, Ping failed a crucial maths exam, which prevented him from joining courses to become a pilot and left his dream in tatters.

Ping Domtta poses in Marsabit before flight back to Nairobi

There was a silver lining

God however, had other plans. Pursuing other career options enabled Ping to re-sit his exams, and a ‘chance’ discovery of an advert offering sponsorship to become a commercial pilot gave him renewed hope. He applied for the course, was accepted, and earned his licence to fly. After securing a pilot’s job with a commercial operator, whenever Ping needed to fly to northern India, he had to ask permission from Bangladeshi authorities to briefly enter their airspace. He became friends with his contact over the border, who upon discovering Ping’s Christian faith, told him about MAF’s then work in Bangladesh.

Ping Domtta prepares for take-off on a training flight to Marsabit

The idea of flying for God, not profit, greatly appealed to Ping. Researching MAF online, Ping realised he didn’t have enough flying hours to join the organisation though, and that there was no office in India to apply to. Taking a leap of faith, he applied to MAF International anyway, detailing his aviation background and faith in Christ. Ping was accepted, and completed a licence conversion to fly with MAF in Arnhem Land, northern Australia – where the relatively flat terrain is suitable for pilots with lower flight hours.

Onwards to South Sudan via Kenya

Ping was a huge hit among the Aboriginal Yolngu he was serving in their remote homelands. God was not finished with him though, and with extra flying hours to his name, Ping was offered the opportunity to fly for MAF in Africa. After leaving Arnhem Land, he travelled to Kenya, where he undertook licence conversions that enabled him to fly not only there but in South Sudan too. Ping took a training flight to Marsabit with pilot Daniel Loewen-Rudgers in 5Y-MAE, which brought him closer to his goals – another step further on his incredible journey of faith.

Ping Domtta and Daniel Loewen-Rudgers pose during a flight to Marsabit


Ping was certainly kept busy in Kenya whilst completing his licence conversion!

Below, he helped the dispatch team load 960kg of maize flour onto an MAF aircraft. The flour was a donation from a local agency, JPCM, to the people of Lodwar, Kenya. ‘I’m glad to be a part of this journey’ says Ping. 

Ping unloading maize flour


Today you’ll find Ping in Timor-Leste where he has been based since 2021 and where MAF operates the only air ambulance service in the country. Here, Ping recently completed his 2,000th flight hour since joining MAF in 2016 and his 153rd medevac (medical evacuation).