Ryan & Annabel Koher welcomed Abigail Lee Koher on 10 Dec 24 (credit: Kohers)
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Kohers welcome third child following two-year ordeal

12th December 2024

Ryan & Annabel Koher welcomed Abigail Lee Koher on 10 Dec 24 (credit: Kohers)

Ryan & Annabel Koher welcomed Abigail Lee Koher on 10 Dec 24 (credit: Kohers)

Baby Abigail Lee Koher – daughter of Ryan and Annabel Koher – arrived on 10 December 2024 following their two-year ordeal when MAF pilot Ryan was arrested on suspicion of supporting terrorists in Mozambique on 7 November 2022. Ryan – who works for MAF affiliate Ambassador Aviation Ltd (AAL) in Mozambique – spent four-and-a-half months in prison. On 8 November 2024, the authorities finally dropped their case against him and terminated their investigation.


Christmas 2024 will look very different for MAF pilot / engineer Ryan Koher who spent Christmas 2022 away from his family – locked up behind bars for a crime he did not commit.

Not only will Ryan be rightfully spending this year’s festive season as a ‘free man’ with his loving wife Annabel and their two boys Elias and Hezekiah by his side, they also welcomed their third child – Abigail Lee Koher – on Tues 10 December at 5.35am in Idaho, US, weighing 9 lbs and 3 oz.

Following his two-year wait for vindication, Ryan is relieved that no charges will be filed and he is finally free from any prosecution:

‘It’s been a long journey and an uphill battle at times to get to this point of closure. This has not been possible without the many people who’ve been faithfully praying to this end. I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and love for our family. I pray that God will receive all the glory for His work in our lives.’

Ryan Koher – pilot/engineer for Ambassador Aviation

The charges against South African orphanage volunteers Willem du Plessis and Eric Dry have also been dropped.

5 Oct 2023 – Ryan and Annabel return to America

In September 2023, a judge lifts travel restrictions and authorises passports to be returned to Ryan, Willem and Eric, allowing them to finally leave Mozambique.

Ryan, Annabel and their two children return to their native America on 5 October for an extended break with the wider family.

The Kohers land at Boise Airport in Idaho, US (credit: MAF US)

The Kohers land at Boise Airport in Idaho, US, on 5 Oct 2023 (credit: MAF US)

Ryan breathes a sigh of relief:

‘It feels great to be back! A load has been lifted that I didn’t really know I had, but it’s been a really restful time even though it’s been a really busy schedule.

‘It’s been great to visit everyone at MAF who has been praying for me, and to visit our home church here in Idaho. It was great to reconnect with these people, meet new people, and to share how God’s been working in our lives.’

Ryan Koher – pilot/engineer for Ambassador Aviation

But despite Ryan’s newfound freedom, the case is still ongoing.

29 March 2023 – Ryan reunites with his family

Following nearly five months of separation, Ryan is finally reunited with his family on 29 March 2023 in Ambassador Aviation’s hangar in Nampula, Mozambique. Under the terms of his provisional release, Ryan has to report regularly to the Mozambican authorities.

Ryan & family reunite in Ambassador Aviation hangar after nearly 5 months (credit:MAFUS)

The Kohers reunite at the hangar in Nampula, Mozambique (credit:Jill Holmes)

The Kohers back at home in Nampula, Mozambique (credit: MAF US)

Ryan returns to the family home in Nampula, Mozambique (credit: Ruth Harrison)

14 March 2023 – Ryan is released from prison

After more than four months of wrongful imprisonment, Ryan, Willem and Eric are finally released from Machava High Security Prison on 14 March. They are granted a provisional release but have to remain in Mozambique.

Ryan thanks his supporters shortly after his release:

On 16 March, MAF issues the following statement:

‘MAF is pleased to confirm that pilot Ryan Koher has been granted a provisional release from prison in Mozambique. Ryan, an American pilot, along with two South African men, Willem du Plessis and Eric Dry, left prison on Tuesday afternoon. They have been held for more than four months. They are required to remain in Mozambique and the case is still ongoing. We are continuing to learn more about next steps from our legal counsel.

‘Ryan has talked with his wife, Annabel, and his two boys multiple times and is doing well. MAF’s leadership team expresses their thanks for all those who have been praying for Ryan and his family. We ask for continued prayer that the final outcome will be a full release of Ryan from any charges and trial.’

On release from prison, Ryan is permitted to work in Ambassador Aviation’s hangar as an engineer but is not permitted to work as a pilot.


On 2 November 2022, American pilot and mechanic Ryan Koher  piloted a five-hour flight from AAL’s base in Nampula to the coastal city of Inhambane in southern Mozambique.

After landing, Ryan met Willem and Eric who had arrived with essential supplies, which Ryan was supposed to fly to an orphanage near Montepuez in northern Mozambique.

This was nothing new as Ambassador Aviation had been conducting annual supply flights to this orphanage and others since 2014.

During a routine airport security scan on 4 November, ahead of Ryan’s chartered flight, police officials took a special interest in the supplies, which included vitamins, over-the-counter medication and food preservatives. None of it belonged to Ryan.

Ryan’s flight bound for Montepuez in Cabo Delgado raised suspicion because conflict in the region is rife and the orphanage is in close proximity. There is a general mistrust of foreigners who handle goods in the area.

Before the supplies were even loaded onto the plane, the police seized them. On 4 November 2022, Ryan, Willem and Eric were imprisoned at the local police station.

On 7 November, they were arrested on suspicion of terrorism and supporting rebels and were transferred to a prison in Inhambane.

On 16 November, they relocated to Machava High Security Prison near the capital Maputo, but no formal charges were ever made.

For the first time in nearly three months, Annabel and their two young sons are able to speak to Ryan over the telephone on 24 January 2023. It gives the family a real boost:

‘It was encouraging to hear Ryan’s voice and to know that he really is doing well considering the circumstances. Waking the boys with Ryan’s voice on speaker and seeing their huge smiles was such a sweet moment. I feel an increased sense of peace and steadfastness as we continue praying and waiting on the Lord. Those nearly two hours will be cherished until we next talk or when he is released.’

Annabel Koher

Following her husband’s arrest, Annabel led prayers for Ryan’s release:

Hundreds of people around the world joined her in prayer on MAF’s Global Day of Prayer on 15 February 2023.

MAF does not support insurgents

Contrary to the unfounded allegations, Ambassador Aviation has actually helped people in the past flee from insurgent attacks says David Holsten, CEO of MAF US:

‘Ambassador Aviation has long sought to care for those who have been harmed by the insurgency, including evacuating innocent residents following a March 2021 insurgent attack.’

In 2021, Ambassador Aviation evacuated over 800 people from Afungi and provided food, medicine and emergency relief when insurgents attacked Palma, Cabo Delgado Province in Mozambique’s north eastern corner.

As the region recovered from the attacks, Ambassador Aviation flew in health workers to care for people from late 2021 to early 2022.

David continues:

‘Ryan Koher did nothing wrong. His wife and children deserve to have him back, and the orphanage in northern Mozambique need the supplies he was trying to deliver when he was wrongly detained.

‘I urge Christians around the world to pray for Ryan’s safety and swift release and call on those in power both in Mozambique and here in the US to do everything they can to resolve this wrongful detainment.

‘This situation has been very challenging for the family. We fully believe in Ryan’s innocence, and we are all praying that this issue will be resolved very soon with the case dismissed and Ryan released.’

David Holsten, CEO of MAF US

Ryan’s lawyer and the US Embassy do all they can to remedy the situation. The Mozambican government obtain various documentation from the orphanage involved.

The prosecutor orders AAL’s plane to be retained in the hangar, but with one of two aircraft out of action, AAL’s medevacs and humanitarian assistance are seriously hampered.

Annabel and the boys return to the US for safety. Ryan – who has worked for AAL in Mozambique since December 2021 – spends Christmas 2022 in prison away from his family. Annabel and the boys stay with her mother in Nampa, Idaho.

‘God is with me’

The conditions at Machava High Security Prison are better than the previous prison in Inhambane. Ryan now has access to soap, which he’s sharing with other inmates. However, he has been bitten by insects causing incessant itching. The team do all they can to get him medication.

Ryan has not been interrogated or physically mistreated. His lawyer, US Embassy officials and several AAL staff visit Ryan.

During his incarceration, Ryan writes to MAF via the US Embassy about how he is faring:

‘I am doing well and in good health. The prison did a special meal for Christmas. They had beef and Coke Zero instead of the normal beans and chicken feet. AAL’s Senhor Coelho and the embassy brought lots of books this week, which I’m really excited about. I try to exercise every day – just some jumping jacks, push ups and squats.

‘I spend most of my day reading the Bible – it’s a real ‘page turner!’ One inmate lent me his Portuguese Bible in exchange for one of my English ones – I’m using it to improve my Portuguese. Whatever God’s path, he has a work for me to complete and I need not fear because I am with Christ. These things are very comforting because I know he is with me and has a purpose in it all. Please pray that he would help me conduct myself in a manner worthy of the Gospel so that I will not be frightened by those who oppose me.’

Ryan has since finished reading the Bible and has even been able to share some encouraging words at the prison church service. Annabel says some of the guards have been sympathetic:

‘A guard saw our story on the news and was impressed by our mission work – he told Ryan to keep praying. Ryan said that this was the second guard to say this. Ryan told both guards that God has been with him.’

In another letter, Ryan shares that some fellow inmates think he’s a ‘very strong person’ and that he’s is in the military, but Ryan says his demeanour is all down to God:

‘I told them I’ve never been in the military and that I’m really not a strong person, but it’s because I have thousands of people praying for me. I don’t have any strength in myself, but the Lord sustains me and by His grace, I am able to stand.’

Ryan is permitted to eat breakfast with Willem and Eric. They also spend an hour outside together every day enjoying each other’s company.

Ryan and Annabel Koher

Ryan and Annabel Koher (credit: Stuart Boyd)

The Kohers will return to Mozambique in 2025 when Ryan will resume his pilot duties for Ambassador Aviation:

‘There has never been a point where Annabel and I lost the desire to return. Through this experience we have come to love the people of Mozambique more, and we are very excited to go back and continue serving there. We know from experience that God is faithful to carry us through hardship, so we can return in confidence, knowing that His plans for us are good, and that He will again help us in any time of trouble.’

Ryan Koher – pilot/engineer for Ambassador Aviation

News Coverage

Premier Christian News
Christianity Today
Mission Network News
World News Group
Reach 96.3FM 
CHVN Radio 
Christian Today
Premier Christian Radio
The Christian Messenger
Open Heaven
Club of Mozambique
Global News Wire
United Christian Broadcasters
Trans World Radio
Church Times
Christian Post
Christian Broadcasting Network
God TV
Keep the Faith
Religion News Service



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