MAF Timor-Leste Country Director Nick Hitchens explains how passengers can book affordable seats to 7 destinations all over the country (credit: MAF Timor-Leste)
MAF Operations

MAF launches domestic airline in Timor-Leste

16th March 2023

MAF Timor-Leste Country Director Nick Hitchens explains how passengers can book affordable seats to 7destinations all over the country (credit: MAF Timor-Leste)

MAF Timor-Leste Country Director Nick Hitchens explains how passengers can book affordable seats to 7 destinations all over the country (credit: MAF Timor-Leste)

On 15 March, MAF launched Timor-Leste’s first domestic airline service, connecting seven key transport hubs all over the country. Instead of travelling up to seven hours by road or boat, passengers now only spend between 15 and 50 minutes by air to reach their destination. MAF’s Lobitos de Jesus Alves reports

MAF’s new service – in partnership with USAID – is transporting passengers and freight between the capital of Dili and seven key regions.

The airstrip in the city of Lospalos can be reached in 50 mins from Dili instead of 7 hrs by road/boat(credit: Lobitos Alves)

The airstrip in the city of Lospalos can be reached in 50 mins from Dili instead of 7 hrs by road/boat (credit: Lobitos Alves)

More Timorese people now have greater access to healthcare, education, trade and family further afield than ever before.

Communities benefit from MAF landing in Viqueque, which can be reached by air in 35 mins instead of 6 hrs by road/boat (credit: Mark Hewes)

Communities benefit from MAF landing in Viqueque, which can be reached by air in 35 mins instead of 6 hrs by road/boat (credit: Mark Hewes)

Hundreds of hours will be saved by MAF as per the following scheduled flights:

Dili to Lospalos (east)                             50 mins by air instead of 7 hours by road/boat
Dili to Suai (southwest)                          30 mins by air instead of 6 hours by road/boat
Dili to Viqueque (south)                         35 mins by air instead of 6 hours by road/boat
Dili to Same (southwest)                        25 mins by air instead of 4 hours by road/boat
Dili to Baucau (northeast)                      25 mins by air instead of 4 hours by road/boat
Dili to Maliana (west)                              25 mins by air instead of 3 hours by road/boat
Dili to Atauro Island (off north coast)  15 mins by air instead of 3 hours by road/boat

Regional authorities incl. Baucau Municipality sign off launch of domestic airline with MAF Timor-Leste Country Director Nick Hitchens (3rd from left) (credit: Lobitos Alves)

Regional authorities incl. Baucau Municipality sign off launch of domestic airline with MAF Timor-Leste Country Director Nick Hitchens (3rd from left) (credit: Lobitos Alves)

The new service is declared officially open by MAF and partners on 15th March 2023 (credit: MAF Timor-Leste)

The new service is declared officially open by MAF and partners on 15th March 2023 (credit: MAF Timor-Leste)

After working closely with Timor-Leste’s regional authorities to shape the new service aimed at meeting the needs of isolated communities, local leaders have welcomed the move.

The town of Same can be reached in 25 minutes by air from Dili instead of 4 hrs by road/boat(credit: Sujana Ximenes / Casa Vida)

The town of Same can be reached in 25 minutes by air from Dili instead of 4 hrs by road/boat (credit: Sujana Ximenes / Casa Vida)

Arantes Isaac Sarmento from Manufahi Municipality, which includes the town of Same, is looking forward to more economic opportunities:

‘We are very grateful to MAF for bringing the aircraft to operate in our district. We have had this dream for a long time and MAF has helped us to make it happen.

‘The people of Manufahi appreciate MAF’s initiative to develop air transport to connect local communities, which will bring tourists to explore the district and help boost the local economy.’

Arantes Isaac Sarmento from Manufahi Municipality

The ‘roads’ to the city of Suai are in need of repair (credit: Jason & Kim Job)

The ‘roads’ to the city of Suai are in need of repair (credit: Jason & Kim Job)

Travelling to Suai from Dili on bad/flooded roads can take 6hrs instead of 30 mins by air(credit: Jason & Kim Job)

Travelling to Suai from Dili on bad/flooded roads can take 6hrs instead of 30 mins by air (credit: Jason & Kim Job)

Francisco Alves from Covalima Municipality, which includes the city of Suai, says connectivity is vital:

‘We have many remote areas that are difficult to access overland. We are very excited that MAF wants to provide air transportation to help connect the people of Covalima.’

Medical supplies can be flown to Atauro Island in 15 mins instead of 3 hrs by road/boat (credit: Lobitos Alves)

Medical supplies can be flown to Atauro Island in 15 mins instead of 3 hrs by road/boat (credit: Lobitos Alves)

MAF Timor-Leste Country Director Nick Hitchins explains how this new service will transform people’s lives:

‘Previously, the only way to fly with MAF around Timor-Leste was to charter the whole plane. Now people can travel for the price of one seat – a cost which is subsidised by MAF supporters. This shuttle service will help people travel without long road journeys.

‘Regular air services will bring huge benefits to local communities. Essential medical supplies can be transported and fruits and vegetables can be delivered from farms while they are still fresh.

‘MAF will bring tourists who will support accommodation and the local travel industry; NGO workers will support education, agriculture, health and micro-enterprise; and government workers will co-ordinate local services and cargo.

‘Local economies and people including doctors and teachers will connect like never before. Together, I pray that we will build a strong Timor-Leste with an excellent quality transport network that can help overcome the difficulties of past generations.’

Graciano Tamele – MAF Timor-Leste Ops & Flight Assistant (centre) wouldn’t be able to do his job without local ground agents at Maliana Airstrip (credit: Lobitos Alves)

Graciano Tamele – MAF Timor-Leste Ops & Flight Assistant (centre) wouldn’t be able to do his job without local ground agents at Maliana Airstrip (credit: Lobitos Alves)