
Just before you leave Tanzania

and take off for your next destination…

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practise hospitality.

One of Tanzania’s most valuable assets is the warm hospitality of its people. During your stay, no doubt you will have enjoyed Tanzania’s signature ‘chapatis’.

Here is a little recipe card, written for you by Mary our MAF Finance Officer in Tanzania. She loves to cook for her three children and is often found singing and praying while she works.

Download recipe card



Saying goodbye

Learn a few useful Swahili phrases to express gratitude for the warmth and hospitality shown through your stay.

Nafurahi kukuona = Nice to meet you
Kuona tena = See you again
Asante-sana = Thank you very much
Karibu = You’re welcome
Kwaheri = Goodbye

Thank you for visiting Tanzania – we hope you enjoyed your stay!

Your next destination will be Madagascar

News for prayer

A prayer resource, emailed straight to your inbox, to encourage and inspire you in prayer. Twice a month, our prayer digest email* will highlight the most up-to-date stories for prayer, testimonies of praise and answered prayer, inspiring videos and introduce you to different members of the MAF family from around the world – it’s a must-have prayer resource!

Sign up via the form at the bottom of this page.

Retrace your journey through Tanzania

We fly to remote places to reach the world’s most isolated people – thank you for joining us in Tanzania.

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