
Miracle baby Hajam's first Christmas

Your gift will ensure more miracle children like Hajam get to see their first or next Christmas


£45 enables 20-minute ‘air-ambulance’ life-saving flight

It was every expectant mother’s worst nightmare

The fever, the chills, the cramping. Eliazefa knew something was dangerously wrong with her baby. The local clinic confirmed the worst. She had a life-threatening infection that needed expert medical care unavailable on her home island of Atauro in Timor-Leste, Southeast Asia.

As her husband Saloman looked on, he felt the anxiety rising. The nearest hospital in the capital Dili was a three-hour boat ride away on choppy seas. Eliazefa would likely never make it.

This nightmare is faced by thousands of families in the most remote regions on earth. Their location denies them access to even basic healthcare that most of us don’t think twice about.

But for Eliazefa, there was a glimmer of hope…

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) – the world’s largest humanitarian air operator – provide the ONLY ‘air-ambulance’ emergency medical emergency service for the government in Timor-Leste. MAF was quick to mobilise and get the young family to hospital in just 15 minutes.

“I was frightened…but when I heard that an MAF plane will come, I felt like there was hope.”

Eliazefa, Hajam’s mum

Eliazefa safely delivered a healthy baby boy named Hajam.  The 15-minute flight saved their lives.

After three days in the national hospital, MAF flew them home. They are very much looking forward to their first Christmas as a family.

“We thank MAF for saving my wife and our baby’s life, and we pray that MAF will continue to serve the remote people in Timor-Leste.”

Saloman, Hajam’s Dad

But there are many, many more babies and mothers who don’t survive

Living in isolated locations and denied access to urgent basic healthcare in a crisis. You can help us reach them.

Your gift this Christmas can save a life:


Like to know a bit more about MAF and our impact?

Saving lives – one flight at a time:

Bendito-dengue fever
Conjoined twins
Ruth-gun shot wound
115 light aircraft

Reaching 1000 isolated communities

Every 6 minutes

One of our planes take-off or land

5000 tonnes

Of aid & essential supplies delivered

1 million people

Impacted by our life-transforming flights

The experience and expertise of MAF’s brilliant team of pilots, engineers and logistics staff amplifies the remarkable work of the 1,400 partners we support worldwide, such as Tearfund, Save the Children, Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Whose life will you save this Christmas?