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Steve and Philippa Forsyth


Steve is the Digital Solutions Architect for MAFI based in Uganda.

MAF’s Uganda program operates Kajjansi Airfield which is Kampala’s general aviation airport. The team flies to remote areas in Uganda and also across the borders into neighbouring countries, including South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Philippa and Steve have been working internationally for over 27 years and bring a depth of experience.

Our MAF journey

Steve’s first posting with MAF was to Tanzania in 1993, running the sub-base at Mbeya in the Southern Highlands, then moving to Dodoma to be Chief Pilot. At that time, Philippa acted as MAF’s Training Advisor and was responsible for overseeing the design and delivery of all non-aviation training. Their daughters Jessica and Rebekah were born in 1995 and 1996.

The family moved to Uganda in 2003 for Steve to take up the role of Country Director; the team has more than doubled since then, and he also led extensive building projects of a new Hangar and now an Office at Kajjansi Airfield. Since 2006, Philippa has been working as an independent Leadership and Organisation Development Consultant, although she continues to support the MAF team globally with learning and development projects.

Having been entirely raised in Africa, their daughters are now back in the UK and thriving. Jessica is in her final year as a medical student at Pembroke College, Oxford and is an active member of the university squash team; Bekkie has recently graduated from Loughborough University and is currently job hunting.

Despite the separation from their daughters, Steve and Philippa both feel committed to supporting the MAF Uganda team as they work under constant pressure to meet many demands. They share their passion for bringing God’s love to people in geographically remote areas. In some isolated communities in Uganda, average life expectancy is as low as 39 years; the Sesse Islands has one of the highest mother & infant childbirth mortality rates in the world. It is an ongoing challenge to bring relief into these remote places, but we are committed to doing so.

Join the Forsyths’ support team

Steve and Phillipa rely on a team of partners who agree to pray for them and to provide the financial support which enables them to serve with MAF.

Would you prayerfully consider joining their support team?

Would you prayerfully consider joining their support team?

Digital Solutions Architect - MAFI in Uganda



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