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Richard and Christine Wall

The Wall’s MAF journey may have officially begun in January 2023, But God had been orchestrating behind the scenes for quite some time.

Richard and Christine along with their two children, Eloise (4) and Rupert (2) live in Southampton, England.

Christine grew up in the United States and moved to the UK to begin working as a flight attendant. She has been involved in various overseas missions including trips to South America and the Middle East. Christine is passionate about the lives of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in her community and most recently has enjoyed working for a Charity in Southampton. Here she has provided support for The Homes for Ukraine Program and enjoyed working alongside like-minded individuals. Christine’s heart was drawn to MAF long before she met Richard, and it has continued to grow as they prepare for their new adventure.

Richard grew up in the United Kingdom and after college he attended YWAM in Maui. Here he completed a DTS (Discipleship Training School) and an SBFM (School of Biblical Foundation and Mission). In Spain he completed his commercial pilots license and went on to work in various companies in the UK. Richard spent three years flying in Indonesia and it was here that he saw first-hand the high respect that MAF was held in. The need for air travel was obvious and he felt called to one day join the MAF family. He didn’t realise this would happen sooner rather than later!

With full and expectant hearts, the Wall family is very excited to be joining the Papua New Guinea team in 2025. The community is rich in culture and has a deep need for MAF within its country. With its jungle dense landscape, travel is nearly impossible for the over 300 different tribes that populate the region. They are looking forward to being a part what God is already doing there and excited to see the new things He wants to do.

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Papua New Guinea

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