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Patience Oduro

Introducing Patience Oduro who is joining the MAF Finance team in Papua New Guinea. Hailing from Ghanaian roots and residing in the vibrant streets of North London, Patience’s journey from the bustling financial district to the remote landscapes of PNG epitomizes her unwavering commitment to serving humanity.

“In the backdrop of my journey, stands my grandfather, a man of unwavering faith and a visionary leader who dedicated his life to shaping communities for the better. His profound influence has been instrumental in guiding my decision to trade careers, instilling in me the values of service, compassion, and the relentless pursuit of making a meaningful impact wherever life takes me.”

Embracing the cultural tapestry of Papua New Guinea, Patience eagerly anticipates immersing herself in its richness, despite the challenges it presents, particularly for women. With over 8,000 miles separating her from her former life, Patience’s decision to forsake the comforts of London echoes her profound belief in reaching the unreached, especially in the far-flung corners where only aviation can bridge the gap.

Reflecting on the importance of investing in women, Patience articulates, “There’s something extraordinary about nurturing a woman back to life. It’s so powerful and is something I love being part of.” Her passion finds resonance in MAF’s transformative work, where every flight embodies hope and resilience.

From her childhood memories of traversing vast distances in small aircraft to her academic pursuits in the UK, Patience’s journey has been shaped by a profound sense of purpose and a deep connection to community. As she embarks on this new chapter with MAF, Patience’s dedication to making a difference shines brightly, driven by her love for family, the outdoors, and the unwavering support of her sisters.

In Patience Oduro, MAF gains not only a skilled professional but a compassionate leader, whose commitment to empowering communities knows no bounds. As she takes flight towards a brighter future for Papua New Guinea, Patience’s presence promises to uplift hearts and change lives, one journey at a time.

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Assistant Finance Manager


Papua New Guinea

Favourite Bible verse:

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10

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