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Dave and Becky Waterman

Dave has had a love of aviation since childhood. At the age of thirteen, an MAF magazine caught his eye and he read about a need for aircraft engineers. From that point on his course was decided and he started training in airframe and engine maintenance at the age of sixteen. Upon completion of his training, he spent two months with MAF in Uganda, and then returned to Gloucester to gain on-the-job experience, and expand his license to include avionics.

Becky grew up in Cornwall and also felt a call to mission from a young age. She has pursued this call within the UK, preaching in a variety of churches and assisting in many church and charity projects, alongside running her own freelance writing and website design business, and writing her first novel, A Year in the Life of Jack Meadows.

The two met in Gloucester and were married in 2010. In 2014 they relocated to Southampton for a new job for Dave. A couple of years later the call to mission was reawakened in their hearts at a conference, and at a conveniently timed 24/7 prayer week, Dave and Becky felt God affirming their desire to apply to MAF.

In 2017, Dave started working as an Avionics Engineer with MAF in Uganda, moving on to work as the Regional Avionics Manager for Africa, which included travel to various programmes to assist as needed. In 2021, Dave and Becky moved on to Liberia, to assist with the development of a regional West Africa maintenance base to support programmes within the area. At the end of 2024, Dave and Becky moved back to the UK where Dave will be spending a year working as a Project Manager, Fleet Development and Innovation, while continuing to support West Africa as Maintenance Controller.

Join the Watermans’ support team

Dave and Becky rely on a team of partners who agree to pray for them and to provide the financial support which enables them to serve with MAF.

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Project Manager, Fleet Development and Innovation



Favourite Bible verse:

The Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard.
Isaiah 52:12b

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