
There’s still time for miracles

Your loving kindness will help people grow.

Your prayers and gifts today are priceless.
And this is why.

Today, a population practically the size of the UK’s is starving to death.

But, because you’re reading this appeal, there’s still time for miracles. Please keep reading.

In Uganda, few farmers can afford an efficient crop irrigation system — so the lack of water caused by drought is costing many lives.

However, James Lomuget is one farmer who starts each day with a smile.

He’s benefiting from a transformational project whereby MAF partners ZOA show farmers how to obtain loans, keep their land free of weeds and pests, and keep harvested crops fresh for market.

James’ recent harvest is a direct result of your generous donations to MAF flights.

Amudat has a terrible road network. But, thanks to the love of the MAF family, our planes are reducing ZOA’s journey times by several precious hours.

‘I am supplying vegetables to this community,’ says James, ‘and also to the neighbouring community in Kenya.’


Nevertheless, the scale of the emergency caused by this merciless drought is immense.

But you can save lives today. So many lives.

Cattle are dying in huge numbers because there’s no grazing land left – many animals just drop dead by the roadside.

And many more farmers need help to grow crops to produce enough food to survive the horrific droughts in East Africa.

Please make a donation towards MAF flights in Africa, and around the world. Because nothing we do happens without you.

Time is short. But you can help people grow.

Thank you for everything you do.