

Welcome to the MAF Co-Pilot Prayer page!

Education in Uganda

MAF Uganda is providing hands-on experiences to show Ugandan children the possibilities a career in aviation could offer. By providing opportunities for children to engage with our aircraft, MAF hopes to inspire and encourage them to achieve their dreams. This is something that has not been possible before and is providing a much needed resource for the children there.



  • For the children attending the workshops will be inspired and encouraged
  • That the children would pursue opportunities in Aviation
  • Pray for the vacancies across all roles within MAF in Uganda


Malaria in the DRC

Thanks to MAF’s Malaria Campaign, there have been ‘no malaria deaths in two months’ at Vanga Evangelical Hospital in western DRC, according to MAF partner Dr Mudji.

MAF’s campaign has raised over £60,000 to fight malaria in remote Vanga. Donations have funded over 3,000 malaria kits, plus MAF flights to deliver them.

The kits – comprising of malaria tests and drugs – are saving children’s lives. 


  • That everyone in the region can have equal access to healthcare
  • For all the positive work that has been done
  • For Dr.Mudji and his team treating those on the ground in Western DRC

Creative Ways to Pray

Feeling Creative?

If you want to focus your prayers for one or all of the stories mentioned in this e-mail, why not try drawing/printing off a map of the country you are praying for and then writing what you are asking God for on the piece of paper. When you are finished praying, put the piece of paper up somewhere that you will see it regularly as a way to remind yourself of the things you are praying for.

We want to hear from you!

If you feel called to write your prayers down then we would love for you to send them to us so that they can join with the prayers that are already happening all around the world through MAF. Simply send your prayer to

Not sure what to pray?

Sometimes it can be hard to think of what to pray at times and so below is a prayer that you can use to pray for the work of MAF.


Father God we pray for the work of MAF is doing in isolated communities around the world

I pray that staff would be protected as they serve you and would you bless what they do

We pray for all those in pain would find your healing

That all those in hunger would find nourishment

That all those in isolation would find connection

And all those in need would find you
