
He Saw It Was Good Bible Study – Session One

Download the Participant’s Workbook for this study here

Introduction Banner

In this first video, MAF staff presenters Sheonagh and Matt introduce themselves, the aims and vision of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and the topics covered in this Bible study.


Scripture Banner

Read the following passage of Scripture. We will be returning to this later in the study.

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths. Who may climb the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies. They will receive the Lord’s blessing and have a right relationship with God their saviour. Such people may seek you and worship in your presence, O God of Jacob. Psalm 24:1-6 (NLT)


The SDGa and the 5 Ps Banner

In this next video, our presenters will walk you through what the Sustainable Development Goals are and why they were created. There is a segment from the UN on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals – click here to view this video when instructed to do so in the video.

As you watch the video, try and note down the 17 different Sustainable Development Goals. If you don’t catch them all the first time, you may wish to play the video again.


Devotion Banner

Written by Chris Macrae

How can the Bible and our Christian faith help influence the global response to, and promotion of, the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Agenda?

This is probably the question that most comes to mind as we begin our Bible study series looking at the whole issue of sustainable development.

A good place to start is to go right back to where it all began – the beginning of creation. In Genesis 1, we see that God created a perfect world for us, with everything made for our enjoyment as human beings.

Later, however, the Bible shows how we wasted it all. Now, if we fast forward to the 21st century, we see that the fate of the planet we call ‘home’ is at the forefront of the debate on climate change — the effects of which can be seen everywhere we look.

Genesis 1:29-30 says, ‘Then God said, “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food. And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground — everything that has life.” And that is what happened’ (NLT).

The biblical story of creation names us — that’s you and me — as stewards, or caretakers, of God’s creation. Our responsibility and dominion over creation shouldn’t be seen as a license to exploit it.

The Bible is clear that we must protect the environment from sinful greed. It’s not something that should only concern those who are passionate about the welfare of the planet. It’s something in which all Christians should take an interest.

This is not just about concerns for environmental issues or climate change, it’s about the overall sustainable development of our planet, and everyone on it. We have a unique role, given to us by God, as His helpers in promoting what is right, good and true.

It’s a role that includes all human beings, not just Christians. As Christians, however, we have an important part to play in advancing the Sustainable Development Agenda for the good of our planet and everyone living here.

I say ‘our’ planet — though we know that it isn’t in fact ‘our’ planet. Psalm 24:1-2 says, ‘The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to Him. For He laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths’ (NLT).

I love this Psalm! It’s a reminder that the earth is the Lord’s, and we haven’t stewarded it well through our actions, greed and desire for profit.

According to Kjell Nordstokke in The Sustainable Development Goals In The Perspective Of Christian Faith And Theology, ‘The Bible largely tells stories about ordinary people and their everyday lives. They include experiences of drought and hunger, sufferings due to war and violence, and a constant fear of being struck by illness or misfortune.

‘These experiences from daily life on the one hand reminded people of their vulnerability, but they also filled them with awe regarding creation, its greatness and generosity. They recognised that they belonged to a reality far beyond their understanding.’

In Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus teaches us that the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul and mind, and — of equal importance — that we must love our neighbour as ourselves.

However, to do this and not promote the cause of the planet’s sustainable development, which involves everyone living on it, seems to go against the grain of Jesus’ teaching.

In this Bible study series, we want to consider these things through the lens of the United Nations’ ‘5 Ps’ — People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnerships. We also want to challenge ourselves, as Christians, to discover how we can help advance the cause of sustainable development through our concern for God’s Kingdom.

Review Banner

Consider the phrase in Psalm 24:1-2, ‘everything in it’. David is saying that it’s not just the world that belongs to God, but also ‘everything’ in it. Think about our role as stewards of God’s creation. What level of responsibility do we have, and how should we react to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Agenda?

Read Psalm 24 in its entirety. If the world and everything in it belongs to God, what does this Psalm tell us about how we should worship Him in response to this truth?

MAF Story Banner

This next video will give you your first glimpse into the work of MAF. Your presenters will introduce the video which was filmed and narrated by filmmakers Mark and Kelly Hewes.


Reflection Banner

Think about Psalm 24:1-2 again. What does it mean when it indicates that we are under God’s ownership and control? Does this scare you or comfort you? How does this influence your daily walk with God?

In what ways do Jesus’ commands in Matthew 22:37- 40 enable us to understand our role as Christians in relation to sustainable development? Reflect on the ways that the command to love our neighbour can influence how we think about the drive to ensure a sustainable future for the planet and everything in it.

What emotions did you feel as you watched the MAF video and considered what life is like for people living in some of the remotest parts of the world? Has this altered your perception of what isolation is like?

Repentance Banner

When thinking about Psalm 24:1-2 and how everything on the earth belongs to God, it’s good to realise that this also applies you and anything you may be worried about. It includes anything which causes you stress or anxiety. Take a moment to lift these things to the Lord in prayer. Thank Him that these concerns are not yours to keep, and that He goes before us in everything we do.

Take time to consider what isolation means for people living in the remotest parts of the world. People who don’t have access to life’s essentials. Think of times in your own life where it was easy to take the connectedness that we enjoy for granted. Then, having done so, ask God to help us to be aware of the needs of those who are often most affected by issues such as climate change, but who contribute the least to its problems and causes.

Prayer Banner

Pray for those who live in isolation and who don’t have easy access to life’s essentials. Pray that, when it comes to physical or spiritual poverty, they don’t get ‘left behind’.

Pray that, through MAF’s life-saving flights, our planes continue to reach remote people groups with the essentials for life. Pray too that we can help advance the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Pray for those in positions of influence, whether in governments or organisations working to advance sustainable development. May they continue to drive forward the change needed to achieve the goals and aims necessary to care for God’s creation. Pray that God will instil in them the wisdom and awareness needed to achieve significant progress.

Pray that the Church will embrace the challenges posed by the Sustainable Development Agenda so that a generation of Christians will emerge who can speak passionately about the need for good stewardship of God’s creation.

For The Sake Of The World banner stating "After today's study, please consider becoming part of a 'For the Sake of the World' prayer group. To find out more, or to set up your own group, please visit


Response Banner


Find Out More Banner

We have lots of other examples of how MAF helps to advance the Sustainable Development Agenda through our work and ministry, and through partnership with other organisations seeking to reach the most isolated communities on earth.

If you would like to continue your journey in this session of the Bible Study and want to find out more, then please click the link below for access to more inspiring stories and videos.

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