
While you’re here

Meet the people MAF serves

MAF helps facilitate inspirational projects for more than 200 partner organisations in South Sudan.

Many of them offer life-saving treatments, innovative development initiatives and physical and spiritual healing to people in the furthest corners of the country.

1 – Chat to a pastor

in Aweil about training they received to help villagers recover from horrific trauma and receive physical and spiritual healing

Two people hugging

2 – Build a bridge

with young refugees in Yida to help teach them practical problem-solving skills which can be transferable in later life

Two children using stick to build a toy bridge

3 – Broadcast live

with Every Village at their radio station in Tonj, telling local people about the Good News of Jesus in their own dialect

Man speaking into a microphone

4 – Meet the patients

at a hospital in Bor where survivors of conflict are treated by inspirational medical staff

Doctor looking after a patient

5 – Fly over

a refugee camp run by the UN to see the true scale of those displaced by war

Aerial photo of a refugee camp

What some of our partners say

‘We are so grateful to God for MAF. When there is a war, when the roads cannot be used, MAF is willing to take the risk and fly us. Your ministry is a lifeline in this part of the world.’
– Eric, Open Doors

‘Travelling in and out of South Sudan is not possible without MAF, and would be too risky. Mission in Africa happens because of MAF.’
– Steve, seeJesus

‘I’m grateful to MAF for ensuring that this powerful tool for changing lives can reach its full potential.’
– Rhys, Zande Bible distributor with Christian NGO Across

Continue your journey through South Sudan

We fly to remote places to reach the world’s most isolated people – thank you for joining us in South Sudan.

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