
Just before you leave South Sudan

and take off for your next destination…

It’s great to have a new book to read on your travels. Why not order a copy of Hope Has Wings to discover more about the inspiration behind our work?

In 1948, Stuart King, one of MAF’s founders, embarked on his first flight to Africa. Today, an MAF plane takes off or lands every six minutes.

Follow the gripping story of how God fashioned MAF from a dream into a far-reaching, global ministry.

Order today

Please remember to pray for MAF in South Sudan

– Pray for safety for pilots flying in and out of areas of insecurity
– Pray for wisdom to discern airstrip conditions in the rainy season (April to November)
– Pray for strength for our team and partners, and for many more lives to be saved through MAF’s work

Saying goodbye

Dinka is a popular local dialect. Why not try out a couple of these phrases as you say your farewells!

Keyaa = Goodbye
Yin ca leec = Thank you
Ciim e cin = God bless you

Kids looking upwards with thumbs up

Thank you for visiting South Sudan – we hope you enjoyed your stay!

Your next destination will be Tanzania

Retrace your journey through South Sudan

We fly to remote places to reach the world’s most isolated people – thank you for joining us in South Sudan.

Please give today to support MAF’s work