
Inspiring Medevac Stories

Read more about just some of the hundreds of incredible life-changing medevacs MAF performs each year.

Bendito – Timor-Leste

Six-year-old Bendito woke up one night with a frighteningly high temperature and a nosebleed. His mother, Filomena, rushed him to the local clinic in Atauro where the doctor informed her that Bendito had a severe case of dengue fever. He needed specialist treatment from a hospital in Dili that was a two-hour ferry ride away.

The following morning, MAF arrived at the clinic to fly Bendito and his mother to the hospital – a life-saving journey that took only a few minutes.

MAF medevacked Bendito who nearly died of severe dengue fever (credit: Lobitos Alves)

‘Before the arrival of the MAF’s plane, I felt very sad, but when the plane arrived, I felt very happy because our child would be able to get treatment.’

– Filomena

With this medical emergency being so sudden, Filomena didn’t have time to pack any supplies for the hospital. Generously, MAF provided them with some cookies, clothes, credit vouchers, drinking water and hygiene products – enough to keep them comfortable and cared for during their stay at the hospital.

‘We are very grateful to have MAF in Timor-Leste,’ Filomena expressed, ‘and we want to keep MAF missions continuing in the future because MAF saves people’s lives.’

After spending just over a week in the hospital, a fully recovered Bendito returned to his home and family in Atauro.

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Nepao – Papua New Guinea

Houses in PNG are traditionally built around two metres off the ground with stilts. Nepao was busy cutting some wood underneath his home when it collapsed on top of him. His leg was broken by a wooden beam and some large fireplace stones fell onto his chest, causing serious bruising.

He was badly injured and barely conscious.

A local health worker assessed the damage and knew they needed to make the call. MAF was quick to respond and a plane arrived swiftly.

Nepo is hooked up to a basic ventilator

From what would have been a two-day trek across rugged terrain became a twelve-minute flight that saved his life. Nepao was able to quickly get the medical treatment he desperately needed.

‘I should have died,’ Nepao said when asked about what would have happened if the MAF plane had not been there. ‘How could I go to hospital? It’s not close.’

Nepao had to be intubated and spent weeks hospitalised, but he was finally discharged and was able to return home to his village and family.

Nepo with a walking frame – returning home with MAF

Following his accident, Nepao became a Christian and now serves in the three churches in his community.

‘Before I became a Christian, I was doing bad things in the community… When I became a Christian, I gave up all the bad things… I accepted God as my Saviour.’

– Nepao

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