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Becki and Matt Dillingham


Becki grew up in Devon and has had a passion for flying ever since her first flying lesson out of Exeter Airport at the age of nine. Pursuing this interest in aviation, after finishing her A-levels, she went to Johannesburg, South Africa, to gain a Private Pilots Licence. Becki then went to Bath University to read Physics. While there, she attended the Christian Union, joined a local church and came to know the Lord Jesus.

After living in Qatar until he was 12, Matt moved to Dorset with his family, living in Wimborne and attending Canford School. He went on to read physics at Bath where he met Becki.

Becki and Matt married in 2008 and moved to Cheltenham to enable Becki to continue with her commercial pilot training. Meanwhile, Matt started teacher training at Gloucester University. A job flying out of Plymouth airport as the ‘eye in the sky’ pilot for a local radio station saw Becki and Matt move back to the south-west, where Matt taught science at Holsworthy Community College.

Our MAF journey

Becki first heard of the amazing work of MAF at Christian Union in 2005, and quickly decided to become an Area Rep, giving presentations to churches and groups around the south-west. She spent a week in Uganda in 2007 seeing an MAF operation in action and, once she had gained the required flying experience, began the application process to become a pilot with MAF. Bethan was born in March 2012.

The Dillinghams moved as a family to Madagascar in September 2014 to serve with the MAF programme there. After returning to the UK for the birth of their son Luke, they moved to Chad in October 2017. In August 2024 they moved to Tanzania where Becki continues to serve as a pilot and help with flight operations.

They continue to build a team of people committed to supporting them prayerfully, financially or both. Could you be one of them?

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Operations Manager / Pilot



Favourite Bible verse:

‘Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth’
- 1 John 3:18

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